Thursday 22 October 2015

DRRR - A Shizuo Heiwajima Lemon - Can You Feel My Heart

Summary: He knew things happened for a reason, like all his adventures, most importantly meeting her. The one woman who did not fear him. Didn't think he was a monster. Loved him unconditionally.

A/N: Lots of lemony goodness, cursing and swears.;) proceed with caution. 

Disclaimer: Drrr does not belong to me, I don't own Shizuo and I don't own any musical references used// the song used in the creation of this story is -Can you feel my heart by Bring Me The Horizon. I do however own the plot and the character.

Shizuo sat on the balcony of Shinras apartment exhaling a puff of smoke as he glanced up at the night sky. 
Stars twinkled brightly.
Cars hooted in the distance.
People below rushed around like ants, some hitting the night scene, others heading home after a long day at work. 

Looking over his shoulder he sighed, shoulders slumping at the still limp form of the one woman he held dearest in his life, the first one he found he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He had suspected the peace would not last, but the last thing him nor Kai ever expected was that Kai herself would be a target.

His eyes gazed over her form slowly, the cuts and scrapes that Shinra disinfected. The clean bandages on her wrists and ankles. To be honest it made Shizuo's blood boil. Kai was innocent. He wanted to kill the jerk who hurt her. Shove his face deep into the concrete of the side walk or even crush his face in with a traffic sign. Letting out another pent up sigh he watched as Shinra finished and motioned for him to come in.

"She's fixed up, it's lucky you got to her so fast, the concussion is a mild one, she should be up in the next hour or so, so just watch her and give her this when she wakes up." Shinra smiled as he gave the tall blonde a box with pills.

Shizuo grunted lowly and nodded before picking up Kai's unconscious form and heading back to her place. Her home was near by in a quiet area of the town,  a mansion on a hill her family left for her. He glanced down at her sleeping face and gave a soft look as he continued walking.

It still confused Shizuo how a rich female such as herself had fallen for such a brute such as himself. His original job had been to be her personal body guard , but his life seemed to turn upside down as she started approaching him.

* * *

Shizuo sat beside her bed watching as she stirred, Shinra had been correct about the time before she would wake up and he gave her a smile, one only she would ever really get to see as she stretched slowly and rubbed her head. "Shizu-kun..." She mumbled as a sleepy smile graced her lips.

He moved over lifting her and setting her pillows before placing the tablet in her hand and a glass of water. "Shinra said you must take this when you wake up, for the pain, you got a slight concussion after all." He mumbled. 

Kai blinked up at the blonde in confusion.  "I don't recall..." She mumbled as she obediently took her tablet and sipped on the water, her throat was dry and burned, she felt relieved when the water eased the sensation. "Thank you Shizu-kun." She smiled as she placed the glass down. 

"You should be hungry... uh stay up I'm going to run to Russia sushi to grab some dinner for us Kai-chan. " the tall blonde pressed a gentle kiss to her lips as she nodded smiling gently.

"I will appreciate that alot Shizu-kun I am rather hungry." She chuckled watching him collect his wallet and cigarettes before he gave her a final kiss and left making sure anything she  needed was in her reach.

Kai rested her body cautiously against the fluffed pillows as she tried to recall what had happened to her while she waited for Shizuo to return. She wasn't sure how long it had been, but her body slowly started heating to the point that Kai felt like her skin was about to melt clean off her body. She couldn't understand why breathing was so hard or why her lower region was pounding. She felt delirious as she reached for the pills Shizuo had placed next to the bed. With hazy vision she focused as best as she could on the labels.

"May cause drowsiness... definitely not this one." She panted as she tossed it toward the foot of the bed. 
"May cause headaches and nausea if taken on an empty stomach." She grumbled as it joined the first box. 
"May increase libido, cause hot flushes or have slight aphrodisiac effects." She groaned as she threw the box at the room door.

"That ass hole Shinra is going to pay!!!" She yelped out in frustration as her body simply grew hotter, the other boxes falling to the floor as she rubbed her legs together. She could feel her cheeks flushing more and more as she flung the blankets off her the best she could in her injured state. She gazed at the clock on the bed side table and sighed out in frustration as she tried to move. Her limbs where stubborn as she shoved herself up but to no avail. "Fuck it I wish Shizuo word get home already." She half moaned in her frustration.

Lite did she know her poor lover had tun into a certain flea on his way home and was currently launching a massive dustbin at him. "You better hope you die IZAYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!"

The information broker smirked as he ran away. "I would love to but you see I have things I still need to do and yoh Shizu-chan have a sick girlfriend to get to do t you~" He taunted as he vanished around a corner.

"SHIT!" Shizuo growled as he checked their dinner before rushing back to the apartment. "Fuck she's been waiting so long I hope she's not sleeping..." He sighed out as he reached to open his door. Shizuo made quick work of placing the sushi on plates before making his way to his room, but the blonde never expected to see the sight he was greeted with when he opened his room door.

Medicine bags, bottles and boxes littered the foot of the bed and his floor, his blanket was tossed to the side, a half naked, panting Kai sitting on his bed, rubbing her legs together. Her eyes glazed over and dark, her hair clinging  to her body, he watched as her eyes snapped up towards him, how she seemed almost relieved to see him in her current state. Shizuo felt frozen on the spot.  He couldn't bring himself to move as he watched her eye him.

"Fucking Shinra and his dodge medication." She moaned lowly biting her lip. "Shizu-kun...."She purred as she blinked up at him. "Make this heat go away I can't handle it anymore.... Please." She whimpered.

Shizuo had to swallow the lump in his throat as he saw the raw emotion that swirled in her eyes, the pure lust he hardly ever saw there. They had been intimate before but Shizuo was nervous about his strength and the tent in his pants that formed as soon as he saw her made things quite difficult for him. He knew how she sometimes pestered him to give in, it was tough for him even though he knew that Kai trusted him with everything she was.

Shizuo willed himself to move, placing their dinner down as he sat beside her on the bed. "Y-you need to eat Kai..." He cursed himself at how strangled his voice sounded. Slowly he placed a hand to her forehead, eyes widening behind his tinted glasses when he felt how hot she truly was. "Jesus your burning up Kai.." He sighed. His problem in his pants was beginning to hurt as he looked her body over, noticing the thin layer of sweat that covered her skin. The way her nipples peaked through the thin fabric of his shirt she wore, which she had half heartedly ripped open in an attempt to get it off.

"Shizuo..." her strained voice reached him, dragging him from his observation. "Can you feel my heart..." She asked softly as she glanced up at him, before slowly lofting herself up till she came face to face with him.

Shizuo hesitated, pressing a large hand against her chest, feeling her heart thundering against her chest. He swallowed hard, caught off guard when she pressed her lips against his, moving his hand down slowly to one of her breasts. "Please help me..." She spoke softly,  pleading him, her lips brushing against his.

Shizuo pressed his lips against hers, feeling his control slipping away. He hardly ever agreed to her wicked little ministrations when she started. But something about how her body was reacting to his every touch had him teetering dangerously on the edge of insanity as his hands sought out every single inch of her flesh they could.

He made quick work of the shirt, his lips still pressed hard against hers, her tongue slithering seductively over his bottom lip as her hands moved to tangle in his hair. Her nails gently scraped against his scalp pulling a deep groan from him as he kissed her harder, his tongue snaking into her mouth, exploring every single part he could.

Kai moaned lowly, her body pressing closer to his. Her hands had already stripped him of his waist coat, tie and shirt in her lust filled daze. "Shizuo." She moaned his name softly as she moved to kiss him deeper and harder.

"Hnn." He moaned his hands sliding down her sides to her hips, where his fingers toyed with the fabric of her panties. His lips moved from hers to her breasts,  nipping and sucking their path down to the soft mounds of flesh and soon he latched onto one of her hardened nipples,  earning a soft mewl of pleasure from the small woman as she arched her body towards him.

"Ah.." She moaned out when he slipped one of his hands down, rubbing his fingers over her panties.

Shizuo smirked to himself. She was already so wet, he knew he had very little work to do. He knew he'd have to have a word with Shinra after Kai had her way with him. 

"Mmm... Shizuo... don't tease... I'm already so fucking horny because of those tablets." She mewled out moving to straddle the man as best as she could, grinding her hips against his. He smirked watching her, she looked so desperate with how she clung to him, a panting, flushed mess. Shizuo knew well though he wasn't trailing far behind her. He was aching for her as her stood and dropped her on the bed, yanking her panties off her. 
She gazed up at him, her hair fanning around her as she waited for him.  Shizuo made quick work of his pants and boxers around he joined her on his bed, watching as she bit her lip again when her eyes landed on his erection.

Kissing her deeply he ran his tip slowly along her folds, watching as her hips moved to try get him to slip into her, but he smirked and moved away. "Naughty..." He moaned as she moved her hips against his moaning out.

"N-no fair Shizu-kun.... Please... I want you so badly..." She moaned out hooking one of her legs around his hips.

With a grunt, a nip and a grope, Shizuo slid himself into her heat, groaning at the sensation. Kai was like a furnace, the heat seared through him as he started thrusting into her, forcing his way deeper and deeper. He watched the bliss on her face as she called his name out louder and louder, her body shaking with pent up lust as she moved her hips to keep up with his pace. 

Shizuo was well aware he wouldn't last long, he knew Kai wouldn't either as she was already squeezing the life out of him even though she was slick.

"More... more Shizuo!!!" She moaned out, her nails digging none to gently into his back, but he didn't wince, he found he enjoyed it.

Shizuo made a mental note to himself to ask Kai when she had become such a kink.

He picked up his pace, hips snapping against hers almost bruisingly as he pushed her towards her end. For every thrust he earned a moan he would not soon forget, her body twitched and writhed beneath his uncontrollably, her breathing so strained and shallow she almost sounded breathless as he rammed into her, deeper and harder, his hands gripping her hips firmly.

He had never seen his Kai behave in such a manner in the bedroom and Shizuo was not going to deny that it was sexy as fuck, the way she conformed to him, lost control to him and came undone for him.

"A-ah.... S-Shizu-kun.... ngh... I-I - I'm... hah-" She was cut off by his lips on hers.

He knew she was nearing her end. He could feel her pulsating around him. Her walls squeezing him, coaxing him to push more.

The sound of skin slapping on skin, creaking springs, panting breathless moans filled the heated air in the room as Kai cried out Shizuo's name as he reached her end.

Shizuo groaned as he followed her lead spilling into him as her white hot heat rushed over him. Giving a few more powerful thrusts he set their path to euphoria before they slowly fell down from the cloud they had settled on.

Kai panted out and he pulled out of her grunting lowly,  before he pulled her spent body close to his, kissing her hair gently as he cuddled her.

Their dinner long forgotten, plates still covered, Shizuo pulled Kai closer onto his chest before closing his eyes and drifting off to meet her in the land of sleep.

He'd really have to have a word with Shinra about those pills ;) 

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