Friday 23 October 2015

Hunter x Hunter - A Hisoka Lemon - Dangerous

Summary : Being with him was like been caught up in some kind of twisted, intricate web of confusion. He had moods like raging storms,  then days when she didn't know if the Hunter before her was the man she knew. Either way she couldn't avoid falling for him.

Disclaimer : I don't own Hunter x Hunter or Hisoka!!!

Warning: Rated Mature for a reason! Lemony and dark, some kinks used and bad language. So if offended refrain from reading.

* * * * 
She felt helpless as she stretched out on her side of the bed.  
She had misunderstood Hisoka again. 
But he never made his intentions clear anyway.
She felt used,  but knew better than to leave him.

How cruel was the human heart when it decided to love someone that didn't love you back.

A man who only loved himself and things that could benefit him.

(Name) guessed that was the reason the sociopathic jester kept her around.

She was powerful. Powerful to the extent that in her battle against him she had to hold back or she would have hurt him.  (Name) rolled her eyes when she heard the bathroom door open.

"Good to see someone is finally awake." He taunted watching as she simply rolled onto her back, a blank look on her face as she stared up at the ceiling. 

She stifled a yawn and dropped her gaze to the half naked man before her as he walked around the room, well aware she was staring at him. (Name) sometimes found his behaviour around her a little bit eccentric on a good day.

"Enjoying the view (Name)-chan?" His devious smirk crossed his lips as his tongue slithered across them in the way to sexual manner he knew unnerved her.

Her face was a deadpan as she simply scoffed but remained silent. After all the look he was giving her screamed trouble.

"Just what are you planning?" She spoke, her voice low, as though she were testing waters before she was plunged into chaos. Dragged under by the deranged man and drowned by the entirety, that was him.

He laughed, a creepy little chuckle he knew would have the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. "Hmm do you want to see?"

"No." (Name) bit her lip, her retort came out far to fast for her own liking. She had yet again fallen into his trap.

In almost slow motion she watched as he flung the towel that clung precariously to his hips across the room and smirked at her in all his glory.

And oh how glorious he was...

(Name) felt her cheeks fluster instantly at the sight of him, the only part that covered her hidden perverted side for so long, the only thing that kept her sane while she was near him. She felt her mouth fall open, her voice failing her.

Sure they had seen each other near naked, but they had not yet been intimate, it had been so long since poor (name) had seen a naked man she couldn't help herself.

It wasn't for the lack of advances on Hisoka's part, more the fact that every time he tried (name) denied him. In the while she had been with him she had been caged, pushed and trapped against almost every surface imaginable.

Yet she had never expected the jester to pull such a move. And how he had her right where he had wanted her from the very start.

Hisoka watched with a dark smirk as (name) struggled to tear her eyes from his body, at that moment he thought she looked sexy as hell, all flustered and speechless. She was very much like a prissy kitten. Mostly aloof and lazy. But he knew it was a facade. He knew she seemed disinterested for a reason. Unlike him, she wasn't a ruthless killer. It wasn't a sport to her, yet she had accepted him and his blood lust, and the fact that she knew how he got off when it came to "potential" on the battlefield.

Grinning he moved towards her, before climbing over her small frame, his face right by hers, he could practically feel the heat radiating off her cheeks as he snaked his tongue over the shell of her ear.

(Name) couldn't stop the shudder that ripped through her body.  She couldn't stop the fact that her breath hitched in her throat or the fact that her heart was racing either. "Hisoka... what on earth are you d-doing?" She struggled as his hands instantly landed on her breasts, kneading the soft mounds through her tank top she had been lazing in.

Two items Hisoka planned to peel off her body as soon as he could. Her top and her panties. The only two items blocking her body from his heady gaze as he moved to claim her lips in a rough, dominating kiss.

"Nnnn...." (name) moaned softly as she felt his teeth nip at her bottom lip. The kiss was bruising but she couldn't deny that it sparked something deep down within her.  She knew what Hisoka wanted, she knew he wouldn't stop until he got exactly that.

Her lips parted slowly as Hisoka snaked his tongue into her mouth, smirking into the kiss when he felt her tense.

(Name) felt like her body would combust at any given second. His tongue was moving around hers so erotically she couldn't bring her mind to think straight. Hisoka had pulled her down into chaos and she was going to drown sooner than she thought.

The devious jester made quick work, ripping her tank top to shreds before pulling his mouth from hers and lowering to to the valley between her breasts.  He was hell bent on seen her carefully put together facade crumble, seen her face contort and give away her emotions she never bothered to show anyone.

He was a possessive man. 
A very possessive man.

He glanced up at her as he tauntingly took a nipple into his mouth, nipping and sucking on it, kneading the other, humming darkly when he saw her head thrown back, her slender fingers laced into his hair as she arched her back, offering him more of herself.

He listened to every single whimper, moan and low groan that slipped from her lips, such lewd noises she made for someone with less expression than a rock on most days.

He burned a trail down her body towards her panties which he also ripped off her, tossing the ruined material to join her shirt. "Some one seems to be enjoying this and I have hardly even started~" Hisoka mused in a husky voice as she stared down at him, eyes big as a does. She was already panting lightly, trying to regain her control,  but Hisoka gave her no choice to do so as a simple kiss stole it away in an instant.

(Name) dropped her head back, her nails digging into his scalp as she moaned his name out like a mantra. She had hardly even gotten a chance to catch her breath when she felt his fingers brush over her, teasing her folds slowly, almost painfully slow. "S-sadist..." She moaned out, yelping when he sunk his teeth into her inner thigh.  

"Hnn.... what a bad girl you are? So drenched and we haven't even started~" He taunted before slipping two fingers inside of her, ignoring her attempt at glaring at him. He grinned deviously as her hips started rocking on their own.

She was a panting mess of nerves and tension before she even realised what was happening. "H-Hisoka...ah.." She moaned.

Grinning wider and licking his lips again, he ducked his head down running his tongue over her, his free hand squeezing her thigh, bruising her. But she did nothing to stop him. She was powerless against him in her current state. He nipped and sucked at her clit earning cries of pleasure from her.

(Name) had known Hisoka wouldn't be gentle with her. She had known his darker side would come out while they got intimate. But who was she to complain? Her body was hot, her mind stuffy as Hisoka brought her closer to her orgasm. Her vision blurred as she writhed beneath him, moving her hips in a desperate attempt to reach her release, but Hisoka had plans of his own and moved away, laughing at the priceless look on her face.

"Bastard..." She said a little to breathlessly for her own liking.

"Now now (name)-chan that's not the way you should speak to me~" He taunted. "Now be a good girl and turn onto your stomach for me..." His voice held a darker note to it and she knew immediately if she didn't obey, she'd suffer.

(Name) twisted her body, her (h/l) (h/c) hair sticking to her skin as she turned as she had been ordered to. Another yelp slipped past her lips when Hisoka hoisted her hips up and pushed her shoulders down. Once he was done positioning her to his satisfaction he took his place behind her, staring down at her darkly as a twisted grin worked onto his lips.

Hisoka chuckled when she glanced over her shoulder at him. Before shoving himself as deeply as he could go into her hot, silky folds, watching as she pressed her ass against him trying to lift her hips more, a loud moan spilling from her bruised lips.

"Fuck it, your so fucking tight." He growled out, before pounding into her. He watched her as she moaned out his name over and over till it was nothing more but a jumbled mess.

"Nnn." Hisoka groaned as he continued slamming into her at an ungodly pace. His erection had become almost painful to the point where he felt he was going to burst when he first initiated their situation. He was adamant she was not allowed to reach her own climax before he had reached his.

A smack to her ass had her moaning, trying to move her hips more against his. But he was having none of that as he pressed himself closer to her gripping her hair and pulling it, until the soft flesh of her neck was exposed to him. Again he smacked her, before sinking his teeth into her neck like a blood crazed animal.

"A-ah god ... Hiso-ka... Nnn... R - right there!" (Ne) yelled out as he found her g-god,  making her see stars every time he rammed into it.

The red haired  jester knew he wouldn't last longer as the snaps of his hips became erratic bruising her further, but he didn't care as he rammed harder and deeper, his grip on her hair tightening till (names) pretty eyes where watering. Her mouth agape.

Hisoka groaned lowly as he came, thrusting more until he felt the white hot euphoria rush through (names) small body as it pulsated and clenched around him, a loud moan of his name spilling from her lips as her arms gave in, her slender legs trembling.

Hisoka plopped down beside her after pulling himself out, smirking when he found (name) out cold, lips slightly parted as she snuggled into the pillow. Trailing a finger over her skin he smirked darkly, toying with a strand of her hair.

He watched her as he lay down, chuckling when she curled up against him, her arm wrapping around his hips before a soft sigh of his name floated off her lips.

Eyeing her body he smirked. 
He was in deep shit when she eventually woke up. 
But totally worth it.
After all he had marked her as his.

And any man that even tried their luck with her would meet a sudden fate.


  1. Holy hell this is amazing! I'd love to read an entire story centered around Hisoka trying to keep his "possession" to himself.

  2. Hisoka in a situation like this... Yes, please. ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿฌ
