Friday 23 October 2015

Hunter x Hunter - A Hisoka Lemon - Dangerous

Summary : Being with him was like been caught up in some kind of twisted, intricate web of confusion. He had moods like raging storms,  then days when she didn't know if the Hunter before her was the man she knew. Either way she couldn't avoid falling for him.

Disclaimer : I don't own Hunter x Hunter or Hisoka!!!

Warning: Rated Mature for a reason! Lemony and dark, some kinks used and bad language. So if offended refrain from reading.

* * * * 
She felt helpless as she stretched out on her side of the bed.  
She had misunderstood Hisoka again. 
But he never made his intentions clear anyway.
She felt used,  but knew better than to leave him.

How cruel was the human heart when it decided to love someone that didn't love you back.

A man who only loved himself and things that could benefit him.

(Name) guessed that was the reason the sociopathic jester kept her around.

She was powerful. Powerful to the extent that in her battle against him she had to hold back or she would have hurt him.  (Name) rolled her eyes when she heard the bathroom door open.

"Good to see someone is finally awake." He taunted watching as she simply rolled onto her back, a blank look on her face as she stared up at the ceiling. 

She stifled a yawn and dropped her gaze to the half naked man before her as he walked around the room, well aware she was staring at him. (Name) sometimes found his behaviour around her a little bit eccentric on a good day.

"Enjoying the view (Name)-chan?" His devious smirk crossed his lips as his tongue slithered across them in the way to sexual manner he knew unnerved her.

Her face was a deadpan as she simply scoffed but remained silent. After all the look he was giving her screamed trouble.

"Just what are you planning?" She spoke, her voice low, as though she were testing waters before she was plunged into chaos. Dragged under by the deranged man and drowned by the entirety, that was him.

He laughed, a creepy little chuckle he knew would have the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. "Hmm do you want to see?"

"No." (Name) bit her lip, her retort came out far to fast for her own liking. She had yet again fallen into his trap.

In almost slow motion she watched as he flung the towel that clung precariously to his hips across the room and smirked at her in all his glory.

And oh how glorious he was...

(Name) felt her cheeks fluster instantly at the sight of him, the only part that covered her hidden perverted side for so long, the only thing that kept her sane while she was near him. She felt her mouth fall open, her voice failing her.

Sure they had seen each other near naked, but they had not yet been intimate, it had been so long since poor (name) had seen a naked man she couldn't help herself.

It wasn't for the lack of advances on Hisoka's part, more the fact that every time he tried (name) denied him. In the while she had been with him she had been caged, pushed and trapped against almost every surface imaginable.

Yet she had never expected the jester to pull such a move. And how he had her right where he had wanted her from the very start.

Hisoka watched with a dark smirk as (name) struggled to tear her eyes from his body, at that moment he thought she looked sexy as hell, all flustered and speechless. She was very much like a prissy kitten. Mostly aloof and lazy. But he knew it was a facade. He knew she seemed disinterested for a reason. Unlike him, she wasn't a ruthless killer. It wasn't a sport to her, yet she had accepted him and his blood lust, and the fact that she knew how he got off when it came to "potential" on the battlefield.

Grinning he moved towards her, before climbing over her small frame, his face right by hers, he could practically feel the heat radiating off her cheeks as he snaked his tongue over the shell of her ear.

(Name) couldn't stop the shudder that ripped through her body.  She couldn't stop the fact that her breath hitched in her throat or the fact that her heart was racing either. "Hisoka... what on earth are you d-doing?" She struggled as his hands instantly landed on her breasts, kneading the soft mounds through her tank top she had been lazing in.

Two items Hisoka planned to peel off her body as soon as he could. Her top and her panties. The only two items blocking her body from his heady gaze as he moved to claim her lips in a rough, dominating kiss.

"Nnnn...." (name) moaned softly as she felt his teeth nip at her bottom lip. The kiss was bruising but she couldn't deny that it sparked something deep down within her.  She knew what Hisoka wanted, she knew he wouldn't stop until he got exactly that.

Her lips parted slowly as Hisoka snaked his tongue into her mouth, smirking into the kiss when he felt her tense.

(Name) felt like her body would combust at any given second. His tongue was moving around hers so erotically she couldn't bring her mind to think straight. Hisoka had pulled her down into chaos and she was going to drown sooner than she thought.

The devious jester made quick work, ripping her tank top to shreds before pulling his mouth from hers and lowering to to the valley between her breasts.  He was hell bent on seen her carefully put together facade crumble, seen her face contort and give away her emotions she never bothered to show anyone.

He was a possessive man. 
A very possessive man.

He glanced up at her as he tauntingly took a nipple into his mouth, nipping and sucking on it, kneading the other, humming darkly when he saw her head thrown back, her slender fingers laced into his hair as she arched her back, offering him more of herself.

He listened to every single whimper, moan and low groan that slipped from her lips, such lewd noises she made for someone with less expression than a rock on most days.

He burned a trail down her body towards her panties which he also ripped off her, tossing the ruined material to join her shirt. "Some one seems to be enjoying this and I have hardly even started~" Hisoka mused in a husky voice as she stared down at him, eyes big as a does. She was already panting lightly, trying to regain her control,  but Hisoka gave her no choice to do so as a simple kiss stole it away in an instant.

(Name) dropped her head back, her nails digging into his scalp as she moaned his name out like a mantra. She had hardly even gotten a chance to catch her breath when she felt his fingers brush over her, teasing her folds slowly, almost painfully slow. "S-sadist..." She moaned out, yelping when he sunk his teeth into her inner thigh.  

"Hnn.... what a bad girl you are? So drenched and we haven't even started~" He taunted before slipping two fingers inside of her, ignoring her attempt at glaring at him. He grinned deviously as her hips started rocking on their own.

She was a panting mess of nerves and tension before she even realised what was happening. "H-Hisoka...ah.." She moaned.

Grinning wider and licking his lips again, he ducked his head down running his tongue over her, his free hand squeezing her thigh, bruising her. But she did nothing to stop him. She was powerless against him in her current state. He nipped and sucked at her clit earning cries of pleasure from her.

(Name) had known Hisoka wouldn't be gentle with her. She had known his darker side would come out while they got intimate. But who was she to complain? Her body was hot, her mind stuffy as Hisoka brought her closer to her orgasm. Her vision blurred as she writhed beneath him, moving her hips in a desperate attempt to reach her release, but Hisoka had plans of his own and moved away, laughing at the priceless look on her face.

"Bastard..." She said a little to breathlessly for her own liking.

"Now now (name)-chan that's not the way you should speak to me~" He taunted. "Now be a good girl and turn onto your stomach for me..." His voice held a darker note to it and she knew immediately if she didn't obey, she'd suffer.

(Name) twisted her body, her (h/l) (h/c) hair sticking to her skin as she turned as she had been ordered to. Another yelp slipped past her lips when Hisoka hoisted her hips up and pushed her shoulders down. Once he was done positioning her to his satisfaction he took his place behind her, staring down at her darkly as a twisted grin worked onto his lips.

Hisoka chuckled when she glanced over her shoulder at him. Before shoving himself as deeply as he could go into her hot, silky folds, watching as she pressed her ass against him trying to lift her hips more, a loud moan spilling from her bruised lips.

"Fuck it, your so fucking tight." He growled out, before pounding into her. He watched her as she moaned out his name over and over till it was nothing more but a jumbled mess.

"Nnn." Hisoka groaned as he continued slamming into her at an ungodly pace. His erection had become almost painful to the point where he felt he was going to burst when he first initiated their situation. He was adamant she was not allowed to reach her own climax before he had reached his.

A smack to her ass had her moaning, trying to move her hips more against his. But he was having none of that as he pressed himself closer to her gripping her hair and pulling it, until the soft flesh of her neck was exposed to him. Again he smacked her, before sinking his teeth into her neck like a blood crazed animal.

"A-ah god ... Hiso-ka... Nnn... R - right there!" (Ne) yelled out as he found her g-god,  making her see stars every time he rammed into it.

The red haired  jester knew he wouldn't last longer as the snaps of his hips became erratic bruising her further, but he didn't care as he rammed harder and deeper, his grip on her hair tightening till (names) pretty eyes where watering. Her mouth agape.

Hisoka groaned lowly as he came, thrusting more until he felt the white hot euphoria rush through (names) small body as it pulsated and clenched around him, a loud moan of his name spilling from her lips as her arms gave in, her slender legs trembling.

Hisoka plopped down beside her after pulling himself out, smirking when he found (name) out cold, lips slightly parted as she snuggled into the pillow. Trailing a finger over her skin he smirked darkly, toying with a strand of her hair.

He watched her as he lay down, chuckling when she curled up against him, her arm wrapping around his hips before a soft sigh of his name floated off her lips.

Eyeing her body he smirked. 
He was in deep shit when she eventually woke up. 
But totally worth it.
After all he had marked her as his.

And any man that even tried their luck with her would meet a sudden fate.

Thursday 22 October 2015

DRRR - A Shizuo Heiwajima Lemon - Can You Feel My Heart

Summary: He knew things happened for a reason, like all his adventures, most importantly meeting her. The one woman who did not fear him. Didn't think he was a monster. Loved him unconditionally.

A/N: Lots of lemony goodness, cursing and swears.;) proceed with caution. 

Disclaimer: Drrr does not belong to me, I don't own Shizuo and I don't own any musical references used// the song used in the creation of this story is -Can you feel my heart by Bring Me The Horizon. I do however own the plot and the character.

Shizuo sat on the balcony of Shinras apartment exhaling a puff of smoke as he glanced up at the night sky. 
Stars twinkled brightly.
Cars hooted in the distance.
People below rushed around like ants, some hitting the night scene, others heading home after a long day at work. 

Looking over his shoulder he sighed, shoulders slumping at the still limp form of the one woman he held dearest in his life, the first one he found he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He had suspected the peace would not last, but the last thing him nor Kai ever expected was that Kai herself would be a target.

His eyes gazed over her form slowly, the cuts and scrapes that Shinra disinfected. The clean bandages on her wrists and ankles. To be honest it made Shizuo's blood boil. Kai was innocent. He wanted to kill the jerk who hurt her. Shove his face deep into the concrete of the side walk or even crush his face in with a traffic sign. Letting out another pent up sigh he watched as Shinra finished and motioned for him to come in.

"She's fixed up, it's lucky you got to her so fast, the concussion is a mild one, she should be up in the next hour or so, so just watch her and give her this when she wakes up." Shinra smiled as he gave the tall blonde a box with pills.

Shizuo grunted lowly and nodded before picking up Kai's unconscious form and heading back to her place. Her home was near by in a quiet area of the town,  a mansion on a hill her family left for her. He glanced down at her sleeping face and gave a soft look as he continued walking.

It still confused Shizuo how a rich female such as herself had fallen for such a brute such as himself. His original job had been to be her personal body guard , but his life seemed to turn upside down as she started approaching him.

* * *

Shizuo sat beside her bed watching as she stirred, Shinra had been correct about the time before she would wake up and he gave her a smile, one only she would ever really get to see as she stretched slowly and rubbed her head. "Shizu-kun..." She mumbled as a sleepy smile graced her lips.

He moved over lifting her and setting her pillows before placing the tablet in her hand and a glass of water. "Shinra said you must take this when you wake up, for the pain, you got a slight concussion after all." He mumbled. 

Kai blinked up at the blonde in confusion.  "I don't recall..." She mumbled as she obediently took her tablet and sipped on the water, her throat was dry and burned, she felt relieved when the water eased the sensation. "Thank you Shizu-kun." She smiled as she placed the glass down. 

"You should be hungry... uh stay up I'm going to run to Russia sushi to grab some dinner for us Kai-chan. " the tall blonde pressed a gentle kiss to her lips as she nodded smiling gently.

"I will appreciate that alot Shizu-kun I am rather hungry." She chuckled watching him collect his wallet and cigarettes before he gave her a final kiss and left making sure anything she  needed was in her reach.

Kai rested her body cautiously against the fluffed pillows as she tried to recall what had happened to her while she waited for Shizuo to return. She wasn't sure how long it had been, but her body slowly started heating to the point that Kai felt like her skin was about to melt clean off her body. She couldn't understand why breathing was so hard or why her lower region was pounding. She felt delirious as she reached for the pills Shizuo had placed next to the bed. With hazy vision she focused as best as she could on the labels.

"May cause drowsiness... definitely not this one." She panted as she tossed it toward the foot of the bed. 
"May cause headaches and nausea if taken on an empty stomach." She grumbled as it joined the first box. 
"May increase libido, cause hot flushes or have slight aphrodisiac effects." She groaned as she threw the box at the room door.

"That ass hole Shinra is going to pay!!!" She yelped out in frustration as her body simply grew hotter, the other boxes falling to the floor as she rubbed her legs together. She could feel her cheeks flushing more and more as she flung the blankets off her the best she could in her injured state. She gazed at the clock on the bed side table and sighed out in frustration as she tried to move. Her limbs where stubborn as she shoved herself up but to no avail. "Fuck it I wish Shizuo word get home already." She half moaned in her frustration.

Lite did she know her poor lover had tun into a certain flea on his way home and was currently launching a massive dustbin at him. "You better hope you die IZAYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!"

The information broker smirked as he ran away. "I would love to but you see I have things I still need to do and yoh Shizu-chan have a sick girlfriend to get to do t you~" He taunted as he vanished around a corner.

"SHIT!" Shizuo growled as he checked their dinner before rushing back to the apartment. "Fuck she's been waiting so long I hope she's not sleeping..." He sighed out as he reached to open his door. Shizuo made quick work of placing the sushi on plates before making his way to his room, but the blonde never expected to see the sight he was greeted with when he opened his room door.

Medicine bags, bottles and boxes littered the foot of the bed and his floor, his blanket was tossed to the side, a half naked, panting Kai sitting on his bed, rubbing her legs together. Her eyes glazed over and dark, her hair clinging  to her body, he watched as her eyes snapped up towards him, how she seemed almost relieved to see him in her current state. Shizuo felt frozen on the spot.  He couldn't bring himself to move as he watched her eye him.

"Fucking Shinra and his dodge medication." She moaned lowly biting her lip. "Shizu-kun...."She purred as she blinked up at him. "Make this heat go away I can't handle it anymore.... Please." She whimpered.

Shizuo had to swallow the lump in his throat as he saw the raw emotion that swirled in her eyes, the pure lust he hardly ever saw there. They had been intimate before but Shizuo was nervous about his strength and the tent in his pants that formed as soon as he saw her made things quite difficult for him. He knew how she sometimes pestered him to give in, it was tough for him even though he knew that Kai trusted him with everything she was.

Shizuo willed himself to move, placing their dinner down as he sat beside her on the bed. "Y-you need to eat Kai..." He cursed himself at how strangled his voice sounded. Slowly he placed a hand to her forehead, eyes widening behind his tinted glasses when he felt how hot she truly was. "Jesus your burning up Kai.." He sighed. His problem in his pants was beginning to hurt as he looked her body over, noticing the thin layer of sweat that covered her skin. The way her nipples peaked through the thin fabric of his shirt she wore, which she had half heartedly ripped open in an attempt to get it off.

"Shizuo..." her strained voice reached him, dragging him from his observation. "Can you feel my heart..." She asked softly as she glanced up at him, before slowly lofting herself up till she came face to face with him.

Shizuo hesitated, pressing a large hand against her chest, feeling her heart thundering against her chest. He swallowed hard, caught off guard when she pressed her lips against his, moving his hand down slowly to one of her breasts. "Please help me..." She spoke softly,  pleading him, her lips brushing against his.

Shizuo pressed his lips against hers, feeling his control slipping away. He hardly ever agreed to her wicked little ministrations when she started. But something about how her body was reacting to his every touch had him teetering dangerously on the edge of insanity as his hands sought out every single inch of her flesh they could.

He made quick work of the shirt, his lips still pressed hard against hers, her tongue slithering seductively over his bottom lip as her hands moved to tangle in his hair. Her nails gently scraped against his scalp pulling a deep groan from him as he kissed her harder, his tongue snaking into her mouth, exploring every single part he could.

Kai moaned lowly, her body pressing closer to his. Her hands had already stripped him of his waist coat, tie and shirt in her lust filled daze. "Shizuo." She moaned his name softly as she moved to kiss him deeper and harder.

"Hnn." He moaned his hands sliding down her sides to her hips, where his fingers toyed with the fabric of her panties. His lips moved from hers to her breasts,  nipping and sucking their path down to the soft mounds of flesh and soon he latched onto one of her hardened nipples,  earning a soft mewl of pleasure from the small woman as she arched her body towards him.

"Ah.." She moaned out when he slipped one of his hands down, rubbing his fingers over her panties.

Shizuo smirked to himself. She was already so wet, he knew he had very little work to do. He knew he'd have to have a word with Shinra after Kai had her way with him. 

"Mmm... Shizuo... don't tease... I'm already so fucking horny because of those tablets." She mewled out moving to straddle the man as best as she could, grinding her hips against his. He smirked watching her, she looked so desperate with how she clung to him, a panting, flushed mess. Shizuo knew well though he wasn't trailing far behind her. He was aching for her as her stood and dropped her on the bed, yanking her panties off her. 
She gazed up at him, her hair fanning around her as she waited for him.  Shizuo made quick work of his pants and boxers around he joined her on his bed, watching as she bit her lip again when her eyes landed on his erection.

Kissing her deeply he ran his tip slowly along her folds, watching as her hips moved to try get him to slip into her, but he smirked and moved away. "Naughty..." He moaned as she moved her hips against his moaning out.

"N-no fair Shizu-kun.... Please... I want you so badly..." She moaned out hooking one of her legs around his hips.

With a grunt, a nip and a grope, Shizuo slid himself into her heat, groaning at the sensation. Kai was like a furnace, the heat seared through him as he started thrusting into her, forcing his way deeper and deeper. He watched the bliss on her face as she called his name out louder and louder, her body shaking with pent up lust as she moved her hips to keep up with his pace. 

Shizuo was well aware he wouldn't last long, he knew Kai wouldn't either as she was already squeezing the life out of him even though she was slick.

"More... more Shizuo!!!" She moaned out, her nails digging none to gently into his back, but he didn't wince, he found he enjoyed it.

Shizuo made a mental note to himself to ask Kai when she had become such a kink.

He picked up his pace, hips snapping against hers almost bruisingly as he pushed her towards her end. For every thrust he earned a moan he would not soon forget, her body twitched and writhed beneath his uncontrollably, her breathing so strained and shallow she almost sounded breathless as he rammed into her, deeper and harder, his hands gripping her hips firmly.

He had never seen his Kai behave in such a manner in the bedroom and Shizuo was not going to deny that it was sexy as fuck, the way she conformed to him, lost control to him and came undone for him.

"A-ah.... S-Shizu-kun.... ngh... I-I - I'm... hah-" She was cut off by his lips on hers.

He knew she was nearing her end. He could feel her pulsating around him. Her walls squeezing him, coaxing him to push more.

The sound of skin slapping on skin, creaking springs, panting breathless moans filled the heated air in the room as Kai cried out Shizuo's name as he reached her end.

Shizuo groaned as he followed her lead spilling into him as her white hot heat rushed over him. Giving a few more powerful thrusts he set their path to euphoria before they slowly fell down from the cloud they had settled on.

Kai panted out and he pulled out of her grunting lowly,  before he pulled her spent body close to his, kissing her hair gently as he cuddled her.

Their dinner long forgotten, plates still covered, Shizuo pulled Kai closer onto his chest before closing his eyes and drifting off to meet her in the land of sleep.

He'd really have to have a word with Shinra about those pills ;) 

Thursday 15 October 2015

Pokemon Black/White - A Grimsley Lemon - Furiously loving you

Summary : Grimsley finally meets his match on that fateful day when he meets her ;) 

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or Grimsley, however I do own the plot bunny (curtiousy of a sleep deprived brain) and the O/C.

Inspiration: I guess I'm going with just out the bathroom scenes? This shit just happens so I roll with it :P 







An hour had passed as she stood there. 
Rigid with anger as she glared at him. 
She was beyond furious.
Seething mad. 
Scorning him with those eyes he loved.
Chewing on her bottom lip.
Thinking about her next words. 

Grimsley was well aware she was always very word wise. He knew he was in the wrong. 

Not that he would actually admit it though.

Not to her, he definitely would not.

It was signing a suicide wish instantly when it came to him and his pride as a man. Though he was well aware that he had already signed a suicide wish just by angering the small woman.


Oh how she said his name. It made his blood boil with passion and unrivalled lust. Casually he glanced at her. Trying to brush off the effect she was having on him.

There she stood. Still drenched, hair dripping wet, a mere towel shielding her from his heady gaze, as he let her eyes roam over her body. 

"Hmm?" He questioned almost nonchalantly as he returned his gaze to the small fold that held her towel to her body. 

"Where are my clothes?" She growled out slowly. "I swear if I don't get them back, Dark Master or not I will physically beat the shit out of you." 

She had a foul mouth, that mouth he wanted to ravage, perfect pouted lips, which quivered in her rage, lips he wanted to see quiver for other reasons. She wasn't even aware how her dirty little mouth turned him on even more.

"My, my such foul language passing through such ravishing lips." He purred ignoring what she was asking. 

He watched her eye twitch in frustration. 

Watched her knuckles whiten.

Noticed the subtle shake of her shoulders. 

The delicate flush that made itself at home on her cheeks. 

He met her gaze, his blue eyes darkening with promises of a night she will not soon forget. Those dark promises he knew she loved so much. 

"I don't c-care what you think, I want my clothing back!" He smirked as her voice cracked slightly.  

He knew he had her where he wanted her.

Standing up and slowly stalking towards her, he watched as her hands flew up to clutch her towel. 

He watched in dark amusement as she took a step back for each one he took, as he slowly closed in on her, waiting for her to question him. Waiting. Biding his time. Watching as the rage that seared through her started to dissipate. 

"What are you doing?" She squeaked out when she realised he had backed her up against the wall. Oh how she hated her body for betraying her. How she hated her voice for giving up on her. She was still mad at him. But the look he was giving her was making her knees weak. Her heart was pounding against her chest. 

"What do you think I'm doing?" He gave a suave smirk, lifting a hand and placing it on the wall beside her head. Caging her. 

The smirk he knew had her hook, line and sinker for him the minute she laid eyes on him in his chamber when she chose to battle him. That fateful day was one he would forever keep in his memory. 

"I d-don't know... just don't get any ideas,  it's your fault I got all cut up and dirty in the first place." She stated matter of factly. 

"Why do you seem so nervous then?" He taunted leaning down closer to her. He knew she could feel his breath fanning over her face. He knew it the minute she struggled to meet his gaze. 

How he just wanted to kiss her, but Grimsley thoroughly enjoyed toying with her emotions more than anything else. 

He enjoyed watching her eyes give every single emotion she felt away. He enjoyed watching how her body seemed to malfunction at a simple touch. How she gave in to him when he knew she wanted to rip his head off his shoulders. 

Most would run when she was angry. But not him. Grimsley saw it as a challenge. He knew not to take her seriously even when she was been, because one look, one smirk and one kiss was all it took to turn her to putty. 

Using his free hand, Grimsley brought her gaze slowly to meet his, keeping her chin gently in place as he moved his lips closer to hers. He felt the shiver that ran through her body and smirked tilting his head slightly as he moved in to ghost his lips over hers. 

He watched as her eyelids gently fluttered shut, her lips parting instantly for the kiss the expected. But nothing came of it and when she opened her eyes and glanced up at him, her blood was boiling all over again at the smirk he wore.  That all knowing one. And that was the last thread of her sanity that snapped as she glared at him once again. 

Grimsley gave a dark chuckle, raising an eyebrow as he watched her. He knew her challenge and he accepted. All she needed was one little push over the edge into oblivion and oh how he pushed her as he moved in closer, pressing his body flush against hers, his knee wedged between her legs, pressing against her core. He stared down at her giving her a challenge of her own and she as always, did not disappoint him. 

Casey instantly crumbed, her will to remain angry at him reduced to ashes as she pressed her lips against his in a feverish kiss, her tongue wasting no time in snaking into his mouth and starting a dance with his. 

Her body was hot. Her breathing strangled as she didn't dare remover her lips from his in fear of what he might say next. Her fingers wove into his neatly kept hair, pulling him closer (if it was even possible with their current position) so she could deepen the kiss. 

Her lust was like a raging fire, her desire unquenchable, raging through her like a storm as her hands slipped from his hair and busied themselves with his clothing. It was in no time that his jacket, scarf and dress shirt where on a pile on the floor. She let out a content sigh as her hands wondered up the plains of his stomach and chest, the creamy expanse of his skin which she simply admired, skin she wanted to mark and claim as her own. 

Another dark chuckle had her pulling away from his oh so sinful lips as she panted lightly,  moaning softly when he moved his leg to grind against her core. Her eyes closing as her head tilted back against the wall. 

Casey had seemed to have forgotten about her state of undress, her cheeks flushed as another moan tore from her lips when Grimsley finally ripped her towel from her body, tossing it far out of her reach. She blushed, moaning again as she moved her hips to grind against his leg. God she was so wet already, she wouldn't be surprised if she ruined his pants. 

His cold hands found her full breasts as he massaged them, moving his lips down her lightly tanned skin. Biting her, marking her until he took a nipple into his mouth, suckling on it, nipping on it, earning breathless moans. 

"Ah...Grimsley...T-the room..." the words stumbled out clumsily as she panted. He hadn't even started touching her properly and she was already a wanton, delirious mess. She cursed herself, cursed him in her mind for been so damn talented. 

He smirked, biting her nipple, earning a yelp before he looked up at her, his eyes even darker with hidden promises. "What about the room my dear?" His voice was husky, low, it seduced her without even trying. 

That tone... coupled with his leg she still found herself shamelessly grinding against and his cold fingers ghosting down towards her core had her moaning lowly and wanting to fuck him silly. God she wanted him to fuck her senseless, but she knew he wouldn't just bend to her whims. She knew he liked to take his time. Toy with her until she couldn't take it anymore. 

She hadn't even realised when he had pulled his leg away, but how she noticed it when his cold fingers took its place, the slender, pale digits tracing her folds, drawing out her wetness and swirling it around her lips teasing her. "Aaa-ah... Nngh..." She moaned as his lips descended on her neck. His fingers slipping into her, thrusting them ever so slowly.  She moaned louder as she tried to rock her hips to his fingers, to make him go faster. But in her desperate attempt, he removed his fingers and moved away from her smirking, only motioning for her to follow him. 

It was in the bed room where Casey decided to get even and dominate him as best she could. Biting her lip, she stalked towards him watching as he eyed the leg of his pants. 

"My, my someone really is wet, just look at my pants." He taunted only to find his back coming in contact with the mattress of their shared bed. Grimsley couldn't help the smirk that crossed his lips as he watched Casey practically rip his pants off along with his underwear as though they were the most offending items ever. He watched as she crawled over him, breasts pressing against his thighs as she wasted no time in wrapping those perfectly bruised lips of hers around his cock. And what a sensation it was. 

Grimsley dropped flat onto the bed as a low hiss left his lips. She sucked on him, taking him as far into her mouth as she could, running her tongue over him, humming when he tangled his fingers in her hair. 

"Fuck..." Grimsley cursed under his breath as she watched his head fall back against the plush pillows. "Just like that, keep that up and I'm going to cum." He groaned lowly, his voice husky. His body coiled with lust. He felt his orgasm building up, knew she could feel his cock twitch in her hot, wet little mouth. And fuck it Grimsley felt his mind go blank as she swirled her tongue over his head. 

She hummed again as she glanced up at him, his once neat hair was all mussed up. His mouth slightly agape as he panted. She loved that he never hid how she was making him feel. And she found it to be the most exotic thing she had ever fucking seen. She snaked a hand down between her legs, playing with herself as she waited patiently for Grimsley to reach his peak, her moans vibrating against him. 

From the first time she had seen him naked, she was impressed, he was far from small or even normal, her dark master was huge and she knew how utterly fucking amazing it was going to feel when she finally had him pounding into her, filling her and stretching her to her limit. The mere thought made her mouth water as she sucked him off and no later did he cum, his hot seed burning as she as swallowed every last drop before moving up and staring down at him. 

Grimsley however had other plans as he pinned her down, her legs where spread and placed over his shoulders as he kissed and nipped at the insides of her thighs,  before lapping at her dripping core. His fingers moved in to stimulate her clit while he plunged his tongue into her swirling and lapping, giving the odd lick as he watched her slowly unravel. His free hand went up to play with her breasts, pinching her already sensitive nipples as he suckled on her. 

"Oh god... oh of my... G-Grim, ah fuck me please just fuck me, I want you inside me right fucking now, ah!" She moaned out as she felt her orgasm tear through her, leaving her panting heavily when Grimsley lapped up her juices and loomed over her licking his lips. 

"Hmm what was that.. I couldn't quite hear you my dear?" He taunted. He wanted to hear her talk dirty, he wanted to hear her telling him what she wanted. 

Casey moaned out lowly as his knuckles brushed over her but didn't want to repeat what she had said, until she felt his tip of his cock press against her entrance. "Nnnn, p-please Grim, please just fuck me. Shove your cock inside me and fuck me until I can't walk, I'm so fucking horny I can't take it." She pleaded, whimpering as she writhed around trying to feel more of him. 

"As you wish..." He smirked pounding into her, watching as her body immediately arched up in bliss, watching as her eyes rolling back and her lips parted as strangled moans tore from her lips. 

"Mmm oh yes! Yes!! Ah right there, more! Fuck me more!" She yelled out as she finally snapped. Grimsley watched as his lover dove over the edge of her sanity, he watched as she crashed and hit rock bottom before slowly climbing her way back up only to be tossed around by the severity of his passion like a tumbleweed in a storm.

He watched as she rocked her hips as best as she could to his, taking him deeper and deeper. He could feel she wouldn't last long, he knew he wouldn't either as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist pulling her closer and pressing faster. His lips again devoured hers, swallowing her moans for himself, stealing her very breath, stealing her soul. 

Casey watched as Grimsley buried his face in her neck groaning out as she clenched around him, her inner walls pulsating around him. She moaned as she heard the lewd slapping sounds of skin, the odd sounds of their fucking, the slapping of every thrust of his length into her drenched folds, she shuddered as she felt the tight coil with in edge towards breaking point. 

"Ah Grim don't, don't stop I'm gon-gonna cum!... a-a-ah!!!" She moaned out loudly as Grimsley continued his relentless pounding into her as she came. Her breathing heavy as he carried on, letting her ride out her orgasm as her body twitched and spasmed around him. She moaned again as she felt him twitch deep withing her. 

"Nngh..." Grimsley groaned as he finally reached his very own orgasm, his seed shooting up deep within Casey as she moaned at the sensation of him filling her. Giving a few gentler thrusts he pressed her fore head to hers, staring deeply into her eyes. 

"You look so beautiful." His husky voice washed over her as he kissed her gently.  

Casey chuckled, moaning lowly as Grimsley removed himself from her warmth, kissing him back. "Hmm just shut up and kiss me, my dark master." She whispered. 

Grimsley gave a hearty chuckle as her kissed her, pulling her spent body tightly against his as he let sleep finally claim him. 

Casey snuggled up to him pressing gentle kisses to his chest. "I love you." She whispered softly. 

"I love you too." Grimsley smiled sleepily as he kissed her hair gently.  

Hunter x Hunter - A Hisoka Lemon - Cold Shower

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Hunter X Hunter or Hisoka, they belong to thier respective owner. I do however own the plot! 

A/N: this is a reader insert, with alot of bad language and all the lemony goodness needed. M- Rated for a good reason. So if easily offended, you have been warned :) 

INSPIRATION: the fact that lemons with Hisoka are just so damn scarce!





(Name) stood shaking, her tiny hands balled into fists at her sides. Water ran in small rivulets down her pale skin. Her cheeks a deep shade of red, even though her shower had been icy cold. 

She watched as Hisoka's eyes roved her small frame, her eye twitching in frustration.  "You are such an asshole." She growled out.  

Another smug grin graced his lips as he rested his head on his hand. "Hmm, I have no idea what you're talking about my dear little (name)~." 

Oh he had struck a nerve, he knew he had. Her (e/c) eyes narrowed dangerously as her glare intensified. "You did not just refer to me as little, idiot clown..." She ground out. 

Ah yes, Hisoka smirked. He had infuriated her. He knew, being her partner. Knew the husky edge her voice took, knew the feral growl she gave just before she snapped. One might have thought he was a masochist with how he handled (name). 

She had a reputation for being quite the sadist on a good day, hell,  all Hisoka wanted was to see her on her bad day, when she hit rock bottom. Sure he knew (name) could actually kill him if she really tried, but he was aware she knew he could kill her to if he wished to. 

Thier relationship was something not many even ventured to try and explain. 

Slowly (name) stalked towards him, her fury radiating off her, goosebumps dancing over her skin.  "You... you better fix this idiot clown." 

Hisoka chuckled darkly. (Name) hated unnecessary cold, but she hated asking for help even more. "Hmm... what is it you want me to fix my little (name)?" 

"Damn it idiotic ass of a clown, you know what you have to fix, since its your fault there is no fucking hot water left!" She snapped. 

Her nen flared up to a point that even Hisoka worried. "Oi... calm down (name) you going to attract attention if you let your nen flare any longer." Yet his smug smirk was still on his face as his calculating eyes watched her. 

"I fucking hate you Hisoka..." She grumbled as she moved to get changed, only to stop when a strong hand gripped her wrist. 

"Now now, that's no way to talk to your lover little (nick name)." He taunted as he pulled her effortlessly into his lap. 

She grumbled, "You deserve it you idiot. It's minus five out and you finished the hot water! You know this rooms heater isn't working." 

And that was when Hisoka smirked as a devious idea popped into his head. Slowly he pressed his lips to her shoulder, a dark grin crossing his lips as he felt a shiver wrack through her small frame. He watched as (name) turned to glance at him over her shoulder, her (e/c) eyes darkening slightly even though she looked like a deer caught in headlights.  "Hisoka, what on earth do you think you are doing?" She questioned in a low voice.

He had to admit (to himself) that hearing his name tumble off her lips was an arousing change to the constant barrage of insulting nicknames she had for him. He pressed his lips to her neck before nipping at the sensitive flesh of her earlobe, earning a soft mewl of pleasure from her. "What do you think I am doing my little (name)?" He taunted as his hands wondered along her stomach, removing her skimpy towel from her form. 

(Name) shivered as cold air hit her skin, leaning in closer to Hisoka for any extra warmth she could try and get from his body, her cheeks flushed, but this time, not in anger or frustration, it was lust, the simple need she had for the man behind her, whose hands slowly worked on bringing her pleasure. 

Hisoka was usually rough in his love making, something that was rather fitting when it came to his cold, callous demeanor, yet (name) sensed something different this time round. This time he kept it about her. The touches, the kisses and nips, everything this time round was about Hisoka pleasuring her and meeting her needs, where other times he only focused on his needs and making her cum. 

Hisoka was never one for foreplay. He was far to impatient, when he wanted her body, he wanted it as in yesterday, so (name) was extremely greatful for the change. 

She found herself sighing contently, arching into Hisoka's touch as his rough hands massaged her breasts, fingers pinching her already perk nipples.  His teeth grazed over the skin of her neck earning him another soft moan as (name) tilted her head to the side for him. 

Hisoka growled lowly when she moved her bottom against him, his hard on pressing through the fabric of his pants, the slight friction of the movement felt rather delicious to him as he bit down on her shoulder as a warning. 

He was impossibly hard as it was (and painfully so) the slightest shift in her small body had him ready to lose control. And both he and (name) knew control was something Hisoka possessed very little of. 

(Name) body felt impossibly hot from the mere touches Hisoka was giving her and his hands weren't even where she wanted them yet. "A-ah... H-Hisoka... Please...." She whimpered writhing against him. 

"Hmmm... is someone begging?" He taunted as his hands slipped down past her hips and purposely past where she wanted them to be, settling on her thighs as he caressed the insides, his lips still marking her pale neck. 

"D - don't be such a tease..." She moaned lowly, eyes slipping shut as her head rested on his shoulder. (Names) breathing was already uneven much to her pleasurable dismay. Hisoka gave a dark chuckle as he watched her turn around on his lap, straddling him. 

He kept his hands on her thighs, teasing her on purpose for her bold move, yet couldn't stop the groan that slipped from his throat when she rolled her hips harshly over his, rubbing her core against his hard on, a shuddering moan tearing from her own lips. 

Hisoka narrowed his eyes at (name), she usually played submissive to him, the small little masochist, yet there she was on his lap trying to dominate him just to get what she wanted. He found it sexy (though he would never tell her) it was a refreshing side to see, along with her calling his name over and over. 

Deciding to play along with her wants, Hisoka slowly ran his fingers up the inside of her thigh, until he pressed the slender digits against her clit, earning a throaty moan (name) didn't even try and bother with swallowing. "Nnnn... M - more... a-ah~" She cried out as he slipped two fingers inside her warm folds. 

Thrusting his fingers at a rather ungodly pace, Hisoka wasted no time as he forged her path to her first climax, smirking when he felt her tight walls start pulsating around his fingers. "Ah you like this don't you little (name)... moan louder for me... let them know I am the only one who makes you feel this good..." He purred before claiming her lips in a deep, lust filled kiss that left her head reeling. 

"Nngh.... H-H-Hisoka!!! Aaah d - don't s - stop,  that feels s-so good!!!" She moaned out loudly, forgetting to breath when her orgasm hit her like a wave of scorching white hot heat. 

"Good girl." He purred nipping (names) swollen bottom lip before his tongue slowly ravished her mouth. He knew what awaited him, as he stood and carried her to thier shared bed, depositing her on it none to gently. 

(Name) watched through lust filled, lidded eyes as Hisoka stripped himself bare, tossing his clothing by her towel forming a useless heap on the floor, before his muscular body was climbing over her petite one, caging her from any chance of escape (not like she would even think of that in her current state of mind). 

His lips smashed against hers as he conveyed his lust and darkest desires towards her as best he could. (He was never one for emotions or words been the sinister bastard that he was). Hisoka hummed in appreciation as her small hands worked over his body, fingertips running coyly over every single toned muscle they came across, before she boldly groped his ass, giving him the sexiest smirk she could muster up as she glanced up at him through thick eye lashes. 

Hisoka found (name) to be the sexiest  fucking sight he had ever seen, laying beneath him, panting lightly, her (h/l), (h/c) hair sprawled out over the pillows as lidded eyes held his gaze. 

A loud groan slipped his lips when he felt (names) velvety hand wrap around his cock, slowly pumping him a few times. He watched as she shamelessly spread her creamy legs for him, before hooking one around his waist, forcefully pulling his body closer to her. Somehow she had managed to position him perfectly at her entrance. 

Another groan left his throat as she impatiently wiggled her hips against him, pressing the tip of his aching manhood into her searing hot, dripping wet folds. Her voice pushed him over the edge when the husky sound floated up to his ears. "Hisoka... mmm.... Please fuck me already..." She all but demanded of him.  (And hell he was not about to disappoint her in anyway) 

"As you wish little vixen." He smirked before completely sheathing himself within her. A low groan slipping from his throat. "Nngh you're still so fucking tight." His voice was husky as he rolled his hips. 

"Mmm, more... p-please Hisoka!" She moaned rolling her hips to meet each of his thrusts while she still could. 

"Say it again... say my name again..." He growled out biting her neck as he picked up his pace only slightly. 

"Hisoka! Hisoka! Hisoka!" She mewled and moaned and whimpered his name like a mantra as he kept thrusting into her, picking up his pace and angling her hips so he hit that one spot he knew made (name) lose control. 

"Ah! O-oh,  yes! R - right there... g-god that feels so good!" Her breathing was ragged, her words an incoherent, jumbled mess as she moaned more and more. Her hands moving all over his body, in his hair, fingers digging into his skin, her small nails bringing some blood to the surface as the ran her nails down his back. 

"Ah... god... fuck, fuck, fuck..." Hisoka moaned and cursed as he felt her tight walls start clenching down on him, spasms wracking through them. His pace picked up as he violently snapped his hips into hers, his hips bruising her thighs as he thrusted harder, deeper and faster into her. 

Hisoka was well aware (name) was reaching her end, he watched as her face delicately scrunched up in pleasure, her moans a jumbled mess as she clung to him as though her life depended on him. (Hell he was reaching his very own limit aswell as he buried himself deeper into her silky folds) tangling his slender fingers into her hair, he pulled forcing her to tilt her neck for him, sinking his teeth once again into her pale flesh, watching as her eyes fluttered shut and a jumbled moan left her throat, her hard nipples brushing against his chest as (name) reached her end with a satisfactory cry of his name. 

Hisoka sped up, grunting out as he caught up and allowed himself to spill his hot seed into her, thrusting so they could both ride out thier orgasms together until he finally stopped and slid himself put of her with a low groan. 

(Name) whimpered lowly at the loss of the sensation of him filling her, she was still coming down from her high, her body destroyed in the wake of Hisoka's passion, left a trembling mess as he pulled her tiny form close to his, covering them with a thick blanket. 

"Feeling warm again?" Hisoka's cocky voice washed over her as he smirked down at her triumphantly. 

(Name) simply gave him a half glare and stuck her tongue out at him. "Yeah Yeah idiot clown." She winked kissing him gently. "Thank you." She added in a whisper as she cuddled against him.

Hisoka laughed lowly playing with a strand of (names) hair as he watched her slowly drift off mumbling nonsense to herself. 

Both would never openly say it, but Hisoka and (name) knew that, only they could ever fully understand the love they shared for each other.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Ryohei Sasagawa - Tough Love

Summary: After blowing up at him, she thought she could never face him, but fate is a twisted, strange thing that seemed to entwine her to him.  She could deny everything but in the end that was all it was, simple, sweet denial. After all whoever said love wasn't tough? 

A/N: another story taken from my Fanfiction account - Thebattleangel - go check it out for my longer stories, these can be found under my KHR! one shots :) KHR does not belong to me!!!

Inspiration : Falling in love, bars and much more :3

* * * 

"That was SO EXTREME!"

"I'm gonna do that to the EXTREME!"

"If it isn't extreme let's make it EXTREEMMEEE!

Every time she heard his voice her eye twitched in annoyance at the loud mouthed boxer, her patience was wearing dangerously thin. 

"Do you feel EXTRE.."

"OH MY FUCKING KAMI CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY SASAGAWA!" She yelled making most of her friends jump with fright and shock at her sudden out burst. 

She had rudely cut the boxer off, as he simply stood staring at her, his mouth gaping in shock. Slowly she stood up and decided it best if she left the gym. Been a young woman, born into a rather well known family and blowing up at him the way she did wasn't exactly the most appropriate thing she could have done, specially when every single person knew exactly who she was. 

Once home she locked herself in her home and sighed in relief. She felt slightly embarrassed for what had happened, she didn't know how she would ever be able to go to the gym again without feeling like a complete and utter boob. Mentally she sat cursing the snowy haired boxer at how he made her snap, when most men who actually made an effort to try never succeeded. Yet there he was. Yelling loudly as usual and she just lost it. Nobody ever got under her skin, no one ever made her angry or embarrassed. 

"Damn it..." She muttered to herself. 

She was the "aloof" girl who couldn't care less if the world came to an end, the rich, quiet, girl that was referred to as the ice queen. Over all those years she hadn't changed one single bit.

She sighed, biting her lip as she looked around her home trying to decide what she wanted to do. Yet she was still cursing Ryohei and it was starting to irritate her. 

"Just freaking great, now your stuck in my head you stupid boxer." She grumbled as she slunk towards her lounge. 

She lazily pulled out her phone, looking through all the messages she had received and groaned when she saw one specific number show up: Sasagawa...

' Hey uh, what was that about back at the gym are you okay?' She frowned. 

"Why would he want to know if I'm okay?" She mumbled to herself placing her phone down on her glass table and resting on her leather sofa.

"I'm just freaking perfect." She growled to herself.

She rolled over and decided to go out, hoping that a few drinks would maybe clear her mind. Slipping into a white dress and red high heels she pulled on her short leather jacket flicking out her hair and drove to the nearest bar she could find.

Arriving, she parked and left her jacket in the car, checking her make up one last time she made her way inside. She walked and sat in the farthest corner she could find, that was secluded and instantly buried herself in a glass of vodka on the rocks. 

Only when she felt relaxed did she allow her eyes to wonder for someone to maybe converse with. She scanned the crowd until she spotted a man who stood out... A lot... He was tall, well built and his suit seemed to fit him perfectly. His hair was spiked up and complimented his tanned skin well. She smirked, standing and walking closer to her target, noticing all the eyes that were on him, when she seated herself quietly beside him.

Feeling a presence at his side Ryohei stopped chatting and turned to find a pretty female in a white dress beside him. Something about her seemed rather familiar...

He continued eyeing her until honey eyes met his and grew in shock. "Yuki?" He questioned in slight disbelief...

"Oh Kami and to think I was actually going to hit on you." She blurted out, cupping her mouth as soon as the words spilt from her lips. 

Ryohei watched her, stunned by her words, watching as a deep blush crept into her usually fair cheeks. 

"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" She muttered turning away from him and nervously looking around the room at any person or any item, as long as it wasn't him. She was beyond mortified by the situation and her state of soberness wasn't helping her much either as she quickly ordered another drink and downed it under the watchful gaze of the boxer beside her.

She couldn't help but freeze when she felt warm breath on the back of her neck. 

"You know you're quite the extreme drinker, but alcohol will affect you quicker than a man, so you should slow down or you not going to be able to drive home." His lips brushed against her ear causing her to shudder as she simply forced a staggered nod at his words. 

"So tell me are you here with anyone Yuki?" He asked her in a voice she wasn't used to hearing. 

It was husky and deep, something she found she enjoyed much more than his usual loud voice.

"N-no, I'm a-alone." 'What the hell! Why am I stuttering!' She mentally yelled at herself looking up at the man with wide eyes.

He chuckled. "Well then that's extreme, come drink with us, no ones seen you since high school, I'm sure they'd all like to see you again." 

He smiled taking her hand and dragging her to where Tsuna, Hibari, Gokudera and Takeshi sat chatting and drinking. She watched as all eyes landed on her and the boxer, she cursed herself knowing how they must have looked, with her looking all flustered and coy behind his slim, chiseled form. She shook her head feeling her cheeks heat up more at the mere thought.

"So whose the pretty lady?" Takeshi teased, chuckling as he noticed her face flush more. 'Curse you, you baseball nut.' She mentally growled as Ryohei stood grinning, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand.

"Well guys I'm shocked you don't actually recognise her, its Yuki, she was in all our classes with us at Nanimori once upon a time." Shocked gazes met hers as she was soon pulled into bear hugs.

"I-its really good to see all of you are doing very well." She said quietly keeping the topic of conversation off of her as best as she could.

"Your looking really good Yuki, did you come here with someone?" Tsuna asked casually.

'Damn you Sagawa. How could you ask me that!' "Well no, I didn't. I just needed to get out for a bit, its been a long last few days." She sighed.

"You? Coming here alone? That's hard to believe, looked to us like you were waiting for Ryohei." Hibari pointed out blankly as he took a sip of his drink.

'Oh Kami WHY ME!?' Think, think, THINK dammit! I can't get out of this one!' Her mind was running insane as Ryohei cleared his throat beside her dragging her back to the present situation. Her eyes widened when she noticed she'd comfortably placed herself on his lap at the table and pretty much answered Hibari's question for him. Going blood red she staggered up from his lap and walked as quickly as she could into the parking lot.

"Hey! Yuki wait up! Are you okay?" She stopped dead in her tracks when his voice wrapped around her, she slowly turned to face the boxer, irritated with herself for denying what was bugging her deep inside. 

That small voice she forced herself to ignore and the very reason he had managed to get under her skin. When she looked up Ryohei was staring down at her, concern etched into his features. Even after all the tough years that passed he still adored her fiercly.

Unable to control her emotions any longer she punched him in the arm as hard as she could. He tilted his head to the side eyeing her curiously until she grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him down to her level crashing her lips to his.

Who ever said love wasn't tough in its own way

Sunday 19 July 2015

Reborn - Bang Bang you shot me down

Summary : He was a devil incarnate, she knew it but she loved him none the less. Though she did not enjoy been faced by various circumstances that came with being with him,  specially when it included been chased around by Bianchi.

Inspiration: failed cooking and ticking people off just because you can~

* * *

She ran as fast as her slender legs could carry her through the mansion. "Damn that crazy bitch." She groaned as she sprinted down another long passage. Bianchi ran after her squealing and shouting at her and yet, where was the cause of all this chaos? Well the sadist hitman was sitting by Tsuna laughing his evil, egotisical head off as his girlfriend was been hunted out with a passion by one of his ex-flames. As if having to dodge the woman's poison cooking wasn't bad enough she had to dodge doors, people and other items that littered her path to freedom. It was like her worst nightmare come true. Sure she could fight, but Bianchi wasn't worth her time or effort.

Panting uncontrollably she flung herself into Tsuna's office and glared at Gokudera slamming the door shut with a loud thud. "You better put your god damned sister on a leash." She growled out of breath, then she turned to look at the man who smirked at her deviously. His dark eyes roaming over her body. She then pointed a finger at him as she bent over to catch her breath properly before scolding him. "And YOU have some explaining to do mister." She glowered at her boyfriend. "How could you leave out the fact that crazed bitch is an ex of yours?" She panted.

"I didn't think it was really relevent my princess." He purred knowing she couldn't stay mad at him for much longer.

"Well I believe it is when she's frankly trying to kill me." She groaned looking over at Tsuna and Gokudera before her gaze landed back on her lover. She jumped and rushed behind Reborn when Bianchi kicked the door down surrounded by a dark aura, a plate of her poison in hand ready to be launched.

"YOU!" She growled angrily at the female hiding behind her ex. Reborn smirked deviously as he looked behind him at the emerald eyes that half glared back up at him. Her dark auburn hair hanging in her eyes as they moved from him to the woman who stood glaring at her.

"Don't worry my princess she won't do anything to you as long as I'm here." He smirked turning so he could hold her protectively. He looked over at the now scowling Bianchi. "I suggest you calm down." He simply said before leading Takara out the room, his hand securely on her waist.

In their room she looked up at him and pouted when he rested his hands on her hips and smiled down at her. "See your safe and sound now my love." He purred.

"You such a jerk sometimes Reborn." She muttered looking up at him in a suggestive manner.

"You're a powerful woman, but I'll still protect you." He chuckled kissing her neck and jaw line. She simply chuckled rolling her eyes.

"Next time, tell me these things, I don't wanna get killed." He thought she looked so adorable when she looked all serious. Gently kissing her he felt her slowly give in to him. How he had managed to actually get the woman in his arms was still hard to believe after she had rejected him on more than one occasion.

"How did I ever get so lucky?" He purred as he kissed her shoulder gently.

"What ever do you mean Reborn?" She chuckled softly at the ticklish sensation of his lips ghosting over her skin.

"You always rejected me, we both know woman never reject me... But you... You drove me mad because I couldn't get you." He purred again running his hands down her sides.

She smirked, "I heard you were a challenge, so I wanted to see for myself..." She taunted kissing the shell of his ear.

"I don't think I put out much of a challenge when it came to you, I was told the same thing about you, seemed you had it much easier than I did." He breathed taking in the scent of her hair as he pulled her closer to him.

She chuckled again. "No you didn't but it was fun, till the night I caved."

Reborn couldn't help the smirk the crossed his lips. "Why did you cave?" He asked against her skin.

"The smoldering look you gave me, I was wanting and lusting after you, but it did change to something much deeper, that one look and it was like 'bang bang, you shot me down', after that I just couldn't resist anymore." She said breathlessly, as she slowly unbuttoned his dress shirt.

"Such a complex woman you are my love." He purred kissing her again before pushing her on the bed.

She chuckled tossing his fedora onto the floor before tangling her fingers in his spikey black hair and pulling his lips to hers once again. "Your impossible Reborn." She smirked against his lips.

"I love you too Takara." He purred seductively against her throat.

She had to admit, her boyfriend wasn't the most chivalric ever, but he had his own way of showing her his feelings. The impossible once playboy had truly shot her down and held her heart hostage, but all things said and done she couldn't be happier, even if it meant spending each day running off from Bianchi and her poison.

Yeah... It was totally worth it...

Spanner - Grease Monkey

Summary : She loved watching him, tinkering with inventions of her own. He always inspired her creative side so she never minded been hidden away with him.

Inspiration : getting dirty :P

* * *

Cars, engines and motors. Anything mechanical and she was at home, often found dosing in the back of the car seat she worked on. But her talents didn't just stop when it came to cars. Anything mechanical was her baby. Growing up in her fathers garage was the life she knew all her life.

Been taken from her home she now sat in a workshop. It was dark, smelled of damp and grease, cigarettes and petrol. Lazily she slid from her leather seat playing with a spanner between her fingerless glove clad fingers. Although through everything she couldn't have been happier. She spied carefully for her best friend hoping she'd spot his legs or his mess of blonde hair somewhere in the workshop.

"Spanner? Where are you?" She cooed as she rounded a shelf to spot him hunched over some strange component he was tinkering with. As always the shy blonde was covered in grease but he seemed to be having a good time as she snuck up on him.

Gently she placed a hand on his shoulder watching as he jumped up from his work dropping everything in his hands. "Amber how many times do I have to remind you, its dangerous sneaking up on me like that." He mumbled, his cheeks burning.

She chuckled. "Oh but I did call you, seems you were to engrossed in your tinkering." She picked up what he had been working on and eyed it carefully, enjoying the feeling of the metal cogs against her fingers as she tried to figure out what he was working on.

She placed it down carefully and smiled a bright smile when the blonde eyed her. "Uh you got some dirt on your face." He commented lightly wiping a dark stripe of oil on her cheek and chuckling as she looked down at him.

She grinned deviously and rubbed her cheek against his in a feral manner before pulling away and laughing. "There now we're even." She chuckled poking his now beet red cheeks. "You know you're absolutely adorable when you blush Spanner." She continued chuckling flicking her sandy colored hair out of her face, careful not to get any oil in it, even though it had gotten some dust in from when she worked under the car.

Spanner laughed quietly as he pulled her into a hug. It was something the two deeply enjoyed. Both to shy to confess anything to each other. "Ya know its a pity boss keeps us down here like mushrooms." He joked lightly.

She frowned playfully. "Naw I don't mind, I'm down here with you. Its better than been alone." She giggled when his cheeks flared up again.

The two had grown up together until she moved away. Her past wasn't the prettiest but she was a strong woman. Her mother had passed away from cancer and after her death, her father drank heavily and well that was the main reason she had been taken away. It was his way of protecting her from her old man. It was about three years later when the blonde bomb shell was reunited with him again after her father had passed away. And he was shocked that the only way she had really changed was physically. She was still the sweet bubbly girl he knew when they were much younger.

"Hey Spanner, do you ever remember when we were kids?" She whispered into his chest.

"Yeah I d-do Amber, they precious memories." He answered back fighting the heat that was rushing to his cheeks quicker than what he could control.

"I'm glad I found you again. I missed those days so much, they were some of the best days of my life, all so precious." She smiled sweetly giving him a peck on the cheek. "Are you okay?" She asked sounding concerned.

"Uh... I am why?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"You're burning up, are you sure you haven't got a fever?" She placed her cold hand against his head eyeing him carefully.

Spanner swallowed hard and looked away when she looked up at him worriedly. "I'm okay I promise." She watched his adams apple bob up and down as he swallowed nervously.

"Awe if you don't have a fever then that must be a blush I see." She giggled.

Spanner smiled nervously at her statement and bear hugged her, tickling her sides as she was sent into fits of laughter. "Aahhh Spanner...p-p-plea-please s-stop!" She gasped as she giggled trying to calm her rapid breathing.

"Ya know you're such a grease monkey." He teased roughing up her hair. She just flashed him a dazzling smile before they both set to work again.

Hibari Kyoya - Love Bites

Summary : She was a natural born rebel set on the path to annoy one of the most feared men in the Vongola. Thier paths had crossed many times. Each time he realised she had remained unchanged deep inside, but that was what he grew to adore about her, she was after all the only person who had managed to crawl under his skin, as much as he hated it.

A/N: taken from my fanfiction account -Thebattleangel - I do not own KHR!

Inspiration : love bites and been rebellious just because you can be!

* * *

She had met him in high school. Been the rebel she was she was all but to familiar with him and aware of what he was capable of. It was how they slowly fell for each other though both of them blatantly refused to ever admit it. Hibari would never forget how she'd taunt him endlessly taunt him and irritate him either by wearing the wrong uniform or sleeping in class and what infuriated him the most was how she would challenge him when all the students feared him.

As they grew up, so the challenges got worse, like an endless game of cat and mouse he still couldn't break the rebel he swore he would eventually break. Yet she knew him better than he knew himself and after a childish, rigged high game of 7 minutes, things between them had changed slightly. Yet they never spoke of what happened in the closet that night, both knew how the other felt.

That wicked baby, Reborn, she was certain was the devil incarnate, always trying to set up awkward situations between the two. Ofcoarse they were both well aware that he knew something was going on between them when she often walked around with love bites on her neck. Yet no one dared to say anything out of their sheer fear of Hibari.

Katsu on the other hand never really gave a damn and continued in her rebellious ways been the one who loved to challenge him. Ofcoarse she was captain of the high schools female kick boxing team and often trained with Ryohei when she was bored.

Ryohei smirked when he often caught Hibari watching her from the shadows back then. Now though he was more obvious about it specially when she sat in the mansions music room playing her violin.

Hibari stood listening to her play, her melody was haunting. It intoxicated him and he hated it that he couldn't do anything about it. It had been a while since the high school incedent and when they left he never expected her to wait. Yet, here she was, still as single as she was when he left. She hadn't changed very much besides the fact she'd become a beautiful woman. Her hair had even grown longer and sprawled out on the seat she sat on, her steely grey eyes still the same ever glinting with untold mischief.

She looked up at him from her playing and smirked. They were both alone and it made her body tingle with excitement. He had changed so very much since he had returned it only drew her to him more. She stopped playing when he walked towards her, confident strides which slightly confused her. Slowly she stood up to meet him placing her violin down.

"So Hibaka, what brings you here at this time, wasn't Tsu-kun sending you on a mission?" She smirked watching as he rolled his eyes at her nick name she had given him.

"Its Hibari." He growled crashing his lips to hers. Resting his head against hers he stared into her eyes. "But you'll call me Kyoya." He growled huskily.

"I couldn't possibly call you by your first name." She responded shocked. "It would be inapropriate if you had to get a girlfriend. Only they should have the honor of calling you by your first..."

He cut her off by kissing her again. "Since when did the rebel really care about what's appropriate or not?" He smirked, taunting her.

"B-but I'm not your girlfriend, I may be a rebel but..." He silenced her again with a heated kiss which took her breath away.

Dragging his lips to her neck he kissed the sensitive skin feeling her shudder in his arms. "I want you to call me it, say my name or I'll have to bite you to death." He purred starting to slowly nibble on the flesh.

"Hiba...Kyoya." She purred when he gave one small area on her neck a little to much attention.

"Your mine." He growled into her neck nuzzling it as he looked down at her.

She blinked up at him and nodded, grinning up at him before returning the love bite he gave her on his own perfect skin.

"And now your mine." She chuckled.

She couldn't care less about the bright pink marks that littered their skin as they left the comfort of the music room hand in hand.