Friday 10 July 2015

Noctis - Belle of the Ball

Summary: The stage had been set, all he had to do was get her in his arms. With all the help he had been getting, a dance with her was the one thing he knew he had to do himself. But would she reject him if she knew he was the Prince she had been told to avoid. Would she avoid him after he proved he had known her most of his childhood. Noctis knew that Erina had no idea what was about to unfold before her.

A/N: and it's me again! This is the sequel to Masquerade, finally!! As always final fantasy does not belong to me, only the plot and the characters do, so please go ahead and enjoy.

* * *

The day had come, only Noctis had wished the time would pass quicker. He was aware that Prompto and Gladiolus were on their way to the small mansion to get ready for the evening as Stella and Erina were in the process of getting ready for the main event of the day.

Erina had never felt so pampered in her life as she watched a kind women style her hair for her into soft waves with black crystals strewn on the strands. Part was pulled back and held in place by an intricate hair clip. She had smiled gently and whispered a name she had last heard many years ago. "Lucis."

Stella had heard and smiled gently. "Who is that Erina?"

Erina gave a sad smile at the distant memory. "It was someone I held very close to my heart, he gave me this, but I think he has forgotten about me, after all I am only a commoner."

Stella shook her head and smiled warmly. " Look at yourself Erina, you look like a true princess tonight and I am sure you are going to be the belle of the ball, I'm sure where ever he is, he is thinking of you right now."

Hours had passed and soon the sun started dipping when the two females helped each other into their dresses and slipped on their masks smiling at one and other. In silence they left the comfort of the room they had used to meet Gladiolus and Prompto who stood smiling when they first saw Stella.

"Wow you look good." Gladiolus commented and he walked to get Stella.

She chuckled softly. "Just wait until you see her..."

A few seconds later Prompto felt his mouth hang open when Erina walked down the staircase with the grace of a swan. Stella smiled proudly as Erina reached them and bowed slightly before Prompto.

"W-wow you look beautiful." He stuttered out as he took her arm.

Soon the four were on their way to the ball.

Stella smiled as she watched Erina stare wide eyed at all the couples who attended. Once inside she stared even more at dancing couples and groups who chatted animatedly, yet most females seemed to glance around in hopes to spot the Crown Prince himself. Gladiolus had met his partner for the night at the ball itself, a young woman with dark hair and eyes who instantly started chatting with Erina.

"My you look gorgeous in that dress, my name is Anna." She gave a friendly smile.

Erina smiled back at her. "You look very pretty to in your dress, sure to capture the heart of any man who lays eyes on you."

It was when the main dance started. Gladiolus had swept his partner into the crowd and Prompto had politely bowed and asked her to dance. Stella had found Noctis and was dancing with him, leading him slowly to where she was. She noticed how his eye widened when he saw Erina.

It was when another song started that the Prince wasted no time in moving towards them and asked Erina to dance. She had politely accepted and was soon whisked away into the crowd.

Prompto danced with Stella, smiling gently. "So he finally has her in his arms... I wonder how it's going to go when she finds out who she is, but damn she really is the belle of the ball tonight, everyone keeps staring at her."

Stella smiled and nodded. "Yet she is so humble,  she does not even notice all the gazes on her, she exudes and air of royalty yet doesn't acknowledge it."

Erina stared up at the blue eyes that watched her from behind the mask, a kind smile set on the man's face as he twirled her. "May I say you look beautiful tonight my lady." Noctis spoke so only she could hear.

A light blush covered her cheeks. "You look very handsome sir."

" Hmm yet so many stare at you." He quipped watching her blush deepen.

"N - no... I am sure it is you they stare at." She smiled sweetly turning her head when he noticed the hair pin.

"That is a very pretty hair pin." He commented.

"Thank you, it was given to me by someone I dearly wish to see again one day." She smiled up at him. "If I may ask sir, what is your name?"

He smiled down at her leaning close to her ear. "My name is Lucis."

Erina felt her eyes widen as she started up at him. "It can't be...." She whispered as she stared up at him.

He nodded. "And your name my lady?"

"It's Erina..." She whispered as she remained staring at him.

Noctis smiled down at her. "Would you mind accompanying me for a walk? That is if it wouldn't be a problem?"

Erina blinked and gave a slow nod. "I would like that."

Stella watched as the two vanished from the room towards a balcony and smiled up at Prompto.

* * *

Outside the sky was clear, as she walked beside the man. She felt like she knew him but couldn't be sure how she knew him. It was until he turned and faced her holding something out towards her.

She glanced down at the envelope in his hand and took it slowly from him opening it to reveal a picture of her as a child with a young boy. "Where did you find this?" She whispered as she looked up at him, only to find the man who stood before her had removed his mask.

He was an older version of the boy in the picture, yet he was the Crown Prince himself. She felt her breath catch in her throat as she stared up at him.

"It can't be... " She whispered as she moved away from him slowly.

"But it is... It's me Erina, I have been looking for you since forever... You are a princess, why did you forget?"  Noctis spoke softly as he moved towards her.

Erina shook her head. "No... no I am not... I am not the princess you have been looking for." She spoke softly, her voice cracking.

"It is the truth though Erina, when we were children I gave you that clip for your birthday, then you went missing and I needed to find you, I never gave up on you. Whatever you have been told about me is nothing but a lie. I would never harm you." He reached for her hand gently entwining their fingers.

Erina shook her head, " are you telling me that all my life I have lived a lie, that my mother lied to me about everything."

Noctis hugged her close to him and sighed softly. "Your mother, the woman  who raised you was only your real mother's sister. Your real mother is a queen and your father a king who has fallen ill."

Still Erina shook her head. "No... It's not true... you all along... This whole thing was just to get me..." She cried, pulling away from him and running.

Noctis chased after her not caring that his mask had been removed. He chased her through the crowd passing Prompto and Stella who in turn both followed after him.

"What happened?" Prompto asked has he caught sight of Erina.

"She doesn't believe me, she fled when I tried to explain everything to her." Noctis ran as fast as he could.

He ran after her until he had lost sight of the palace itself. It was late into the night, the full moon high up in the sky as he walked along a worn path near where she was staying. The breeze carrying her soft sobs as he rounded the corner to the back of the mansion where she sat by a small pond, the clip in her hand as she stared at her reflection.

"Erina..." her name left his lips as he watched her turn to face him.

"Lucis..." She cried as she s looked down at the clip.

"My full name is Noctis Lucis Caelum the Crown Prince of the kingdom Lucis.  You are the one person destined for me and I have never given up on you Erina Kate Lance. And now that I have finally found you please don't run from me." He spoke softly as she stared up at him.

He kneeled down before her slowly taking her hand and pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "You have no idea how much I have missed you Erina." He whispered.

That was when she cautiously touched his cheek staring at him. "You have become so handsome Lu-Noctis. Why did I only know you by Lucis? "

The man chuckled at the fond memory. " when we were younger I told you my name, and you didn't like it very much so you decided to call me Lucis. When I was told you were taken I felt so sad I vowed I would find you and keep you safe for the rest of your life when I found you."

Erina smiled gently up at him stroking her cheek slowly before he moved down and kissed her gently.
That was how Prompto and Stella found the two when they finally reached them. Stella gave a small relieved sigh and so did Prompto when Noctis looked at them and nodded.

"We need to go to the palace, I have an announcement I would like to make." Noctis spoke lowly as he held Erina next to him.

She gave a small nod and smiled.

* * *

At the palace, Noctis walked up to his throne and cleared his throat slightly. He knew he had every single persons eyes on him.

"Tonight I found the one thing as important to me as this kingdom is, many years ago she was taken from me until Prompto and Gladiolus,  my two loyal friends helped me finally find her. I present to you the missing Princess, Princess Erina Kate Lance whom I wish to make my queen." He held out his hand helping Erina towards him when the lights around them flickered.

"How sweet..." A cruel voice echoed in the silent hall. "You, blonde boy, stole her from the glade and corrupted her... Crown Prince I want that Princess back."

Erina felt her heart stop, the woman she once called her mother had found her. She held tightly onto Noctis' s hand as she shook her head. "I will not go back with you... I will not be locked away from everything ever again. You lied to me, told me you were my mother."

"Of coarse I am not your mother, I am however your aunt." The woman sneered.

"Then why?" Erina asked slowly.

"Why? Because I could not bare a child, my sister could and she stole my only love from me!" She shouted out enraged. "No one deserves to be happy!  Not you,  not this little boy! Are you aware that I told you all those things because I knew either way you'd end up with him and then at least you'd be unhappy and think you where forced into it! You two had always been so taken with each other when you were children, your marriage was simply to strengthen bonds, nothing more, no gain of power, nothing, just bonds,  what a waste!"

Erina shook her head, staying close to Noctis who brushed his thumb over the top of her hand gently. "To be so cruel though to those who did you no wrong... no wonder you were banished." She whispered.

She turned and looked up at Noctis, her face held a gentle expression. "Please, just please make her go away..."

He nodded and glanced at Gladiolus and Prompto who had already made their way over to the enraged woman.

* * *

Extended ending*

Noctis looked at the sleeping figure beside him. She lay cuddled up against him, her face looked angelic. Gently he kissed her hair watching as her eyes slowly fluttered open and a lazy smile graced her lips.

"Hmm my love it's still dark out can you not sleep?" She whispered in a sleeping voice.

He smiled shaking his head. "I still cannot believe that you are finally beside me."

She gave a sleepy chuckle. "I promise I am not going anywhere."

He smiled wider. "And why is that my beautiful Queen?"

"Because I love you, I belong beside you my handsome King, plus we have a wedding to attend in a few hours, you wouldn't want to fall asleep been the best man?" She smiled cuddling up closer to him.

"Still a shocker if you ask me, to see Prompto and Stella so happy." He chuckled, mirth twinkling in his eyes.

"His not so bad, he taught me a lot of what I know." She smiled. "He may be rough on the edges and people may not place him with Stella but I can assure you those two are best suited for each other."

Noctis gave a laugh pulling her closer, burying his nose in her hair. "Hmm to think he would have stolen your heart."

At this Erina burst into a fit of giggles. "Would you have been jealous?"

She watched as her love blushed and kissed her to silence her from teasing him.

"Maybe a little." He teased softly watching her smile widen.

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