Monday 6 July 2015

Vincent Valentine - The truth will set you free

A/N: sequel to not always Pleasant, I do not own Final Fantasy and I don't own Vincent Valentine, I do own Luna and the plot.

Summary: Luna starts to realise she isn't exactly normal as she starts to find out about herself, after finally seeing her sister and been taken to the destroyed laboratory her sister once worked in how will she handle the truth?

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Luna stood impatiently as she waited for Vincent, she had woken up extra early, prepared lunches and packed her back pack with everything they might need. She had waited the whole of winter until he would finally make a move and take her to the ruined laboratory.

She had endlessly worked on persuading him and after all it was true when one only looked for clues about themselves it would be the only thing you find, anything else you would naturally dismiss. That bit of logic had seemed to sway the silent man into finally choosing a day to take her. Though he had originally offered he had always seemed very hesitant.

Today was the day Luna would find out about herself, she could feel it as she stared into the mansion looking for a sign of Vincent.

She released a small sigh jumping when she turned to find him in front of her, "How the heck did you get there without even making a sound? " She mused after slinging her back pack over her shoulder and locking up the front door.

Vincent gave her a small smile and shrugged, " I guess it comes naturally, you do it for so long you don't even realise it after some time."  He glanced down at her to find her smiling brightly up at him.

"You know since I met you that's probably the most you have ever said to me in one sentence, it's nice I like your voice." She said cheerfully, though inside she wanted to face palm for sating her thoughts out loud.

Luna hated the fact that over the last few months with the man she had started developing deeper feelings for him.  It had started off innocently with her growing fond of him. If he went to do something she'd be happy to see when he got home safely. She was also glad for the fact that he now ate regular meals, though small she always made sure they were very nutritional.

She had found herself blushing when he would smile at her, or even when she woke up from a night terror she would find herself blushing when he would comfort her. Luna had no idea what had changed, maybe her nigh terrors got worse, maybe she screamed and cried in her sleep, she would never know. All she did know was that one night she woke up with him holding her like she was made from glass. Luna figured that was when it all started.

The craving for human touch, the want almost indescribable need to be near to the man. Yes she had always thought he was good looking just by the photograph she had of him, yet when she managed to get a good look at him she noticed the picture did him no justice at all, she found him extremely attractive.

Luna walked beside him humming softly to herself completely unaware of how he would occasionally glance down at her. Sometimes she reminded him quite a bit of Yuffie, but she was still far to much of a lady though the way she dressed was sometimes questionable.

This particular spring day Vincent noticed she had chosen to wear a button up cotton shirt with a bikini top underneath it and pale blue shorts which exposed a lot of her legs, along with a pair of odd styled boots that seemed to compliment the outfit. She was stirring up strange feelings inside of him and it bothered him even more when he caught himself staring at her.

Luna had no idea how long she and Vincent had been walking for but it wasn't much longer and they where in front of the cave where her sister was. She glanced up at Vincent who gave a  small nod and lead her inside.

Luna stared in wonder at the crystals before she looked at the one that held the body of her sister. Tears rolled down the girls pale cheeks as she laid a hand against the crystal. "Oh my... my dearest sister, why did you do this to yourself." She spoke softly.

"After all these years I finally found you, I kept your journal safe and sound, reading it made me feel like you were always right by my side. I really miss you so much." She whimpered as she bit back a sob.

Luna could not believe she was seen her sister. Very thing felt so surreal in the cave. Slowly she moved the back pack pulling out some white roses and putting them near the materia that held her sister.

"I promise I will come visit you any time I can so that I can tell you everything that has happened, so we can catch up and talk like we did before you left, I love you my dear sister." She whispered before turning to face Vincent who looked to the side silently.

Once outside the cave Vincent started leading the way the the laboratory hoping to himself that the girl would find some information on herself. She walked beside him quietly before her voice broke the silence.

"I know I always say this, but thank you Vincent, for everything today so far, it means so much to me that you took me to see my sister."

He looked down at her, noticing that she wasn't looking up at him, she was focused on the ground in front of her, chewing nervously on her bottom lip.

It didn't take the two long to reach their destination and soon time was lost as they went through what was left that nature hadn't yet destroyed.  Luna was sitting at the desk rummaging through stacks of faded, yellowed papers when a box in a dark corner caught her attention. Glancing at Vincent she dashed over to it and picked it up before dusting it off.

On the box was a neat yet faded label which Luna could barely read, lifting the lid she sighed when she found the contents were a bit dusty but preserved. She pulled out the first manilla folder and read over the contents of the various pages.


Luna felt her blood run cold, specimen? Surely she had read the label wrong, yet as she continued she found she was reading perfectly fine.

'Research subject - Omega cell transferral
Specimen number - 01274

Name - Luna Crescent
D.o.B - 12 January

General - subject suffered heart failure, blood group rare, prevented possible heart donor from been found. Parents not notified of removal to laboratory, cadaver ordered to replace subject, family informed that daughter passed.'

Luna felt anger swell up in her chest as she closed the folder. Placing it to the side she opened the next one, a rage building up inside of her.

It held notes made by a professor about her daily progress which made her stomach churn.

'Day one

Subject is non responsive to Mako,  though her heart is still beating, it is slow and weak.  Subject will be submitted to Jenova cells if she does not respond to having more Mako cells introduced into her system.'

She kept flipping the pages as she took in all the information.

Day Seventy - three

Test subject showed no response to Mako, heart beat started slowing, test subject introduced to Jenova cells.

Day eighty

Subjects heart beat has strengthened drastically but the form of the organ is frail, if it fails subject will be submitted to Omega cells to keep her alive, tests will be run to conclude final results before decision is made to follow through or not.'

At the bottom of most pages to close off each entry was a signature by a Professor Hojo. Luna grit her teeth as she continued flipping through various folders recording her progress until a page stood out to her.

' Day one hundred and three

Test subjects heart has failed but her body has drastically strengthened, Omega cells will be introduced immediately to save test subject.

Omega cells were transferred to the host and have been accepted by the hosts body, the deterioration of the hosts organs has stopped and as such it would seem that the host is immortal, host however has not yet awoken.'

She continued to read through graphs and various other files until it was made clear that she was no longer human, unable to die no matter what she did. Her awakening was also recorded and how after a week of constant tests she broke free and fled from the facility. How her own father had made sure the research was funded even after his passing. Her mother though had never known of what he was doing.

Luna looked up at Vincent with the box in her arms and then looked to the ground,  " hey I found what I was looking for... guess they right when they say the truth will set you free." She gave a sad smile as they left the facility to head home.

Vincent looked over at her curiously before his eyes landed on the box. That would answer all his very own questions he had about the young woman walking beside him....

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